Did you know?

LGBTQ+ numbers

It seems we hear more and more about someone from the community who was discriminated against in the workplace or when applying for a job.  High-tech is generally considered open and accepting, but personal prejudice sometimes happens, and people from different backgrounds sometimes get hurt. It could be a comment, a joke, or even a question, that hits the wrong note and leaves the person offended.

Many people share their coming-out stories, and while some are successful and heartwarming, others have negative consequences, which prevents other LGTBQ+ employees from coming out. The struggle is for both awareness and equal rights. There’s some success in both cases, yet there is still much more to do.


Here’s what you can do to when working with LGTBQ+

#1 Keep it professional.
Remember that your personal views have nothing to do with your professional career, and the same goes for your colleagues. No matter what you think or feel, it mustn’t become an obstacle at work.

#2 Don’t assume, ask.
Some LGTBQ+ members welcome questions and enjoy sharing and talking about their experiences and lives, while others don’t. Please, do not assume a coworker belongs to the first kind, and don’t ask questions unless it’s clear that they are comfortable with them.

#3 Be respectful.
Always use their chosen pronoun. It’s their choice and not yours.

#4 Equal rights for all.
When it comes to rights, such as paternity/maternity leave, strive to create an equal environment for all employees.

#5 Stay ahead of the current.
Be aware of possible friction points within your organization and consider personal talks and group training to avoid them, so that your company is a place where all employees accept one another.

  Report of LGTBQ+ workplace behavior analysis (Hebrew) – June 2022


How are you celebrating Pride in your workplace?

How are you celebrating Pride in your workplace?

Take your first steps

To diversify your workforce, you have to look for talent where you haven’t looked before, and be open to getting to know new cultures and needs.
The following organizations can help you take your first steps:
In LGBTech website, you’ll find programs tailored to your company’s unique culture, challenges, and needs.

While companies are completing one of their consulting plans, LGBTech offers them the opportunity to sign an IDS (Israel Diversity Standard) statement that publicly pledges their support for LGBT+ diversity and inclusion in the workforce.


  • LGBTech

    LGBTech promotes the active inclusion and diversity in employment of LGBTQs in Israel.Through our partner employer program we assist employers to integrate inclusive practices towards their LGBTQ human capital. In tandem, LGBTech network of ERGs acts as a bustling community of LGBTQs promoting the visibility and representation in the workforce.

    LGBTech Vision:
    At LGBTech, we imagine a future where LGBT+ employees are able to bring 100% of themselves to work.
    We fight for diversity and inclusion for lesbian, gay, bi, trans, and queer (LGTB+) people in the workforce by promoting public policy changes, working hand-in-hand with global and local companies, and supporting our community.

    LGBTech Solution:
    According to research, LGBT+ friendly employers attract and retain more talent
    Diverse workplaces are proven to recruit top talent, have higher worker satisfaction, and make better decisions. Diversity improves employee morale and happiness, but inclusion fosters positive behavior at work.
    We provide access to professional tools, knowledge, and implementation guidance to help you and your employees achieve those.Our programs are tailored to your company’s unique culture, challenges, and needs.

    Target audience: LGBTQ+

    Operating mode: For employers – Lectures, Workshops, Corporate Consulting, Transformative Consulting

    Education level: None

    Program name: LGBtech, LGBTech for employers – Israel Diversity Standard Workforce Pride Squad

    Are employers part of the admissions process? Depends on the program

    Are employers part of the training? Depends on the program

    More info :

    LGBTech broad 2022

    Report of LGTBQ+ workplace behavior analysis (Hebrew)

    Sivan Kaniel, CEO – [email protected], Shachar Grembek, Founder & Chairman – [email protected]

    Visit our Website

    Quick links: For employers    |    LGBTech in the news     |     LGBTech meetups


חודש הגאווה 2022: הנתונים העגומים על התנכלות ללהט”בים במקומות עבודה

חודש הגאווה 2022: הנתונים העגומים על התנכלות ללהט”בים במקומות עבודה

כך עולה מסקר של ארגון LGBTech שבוצע בישראל בנושא להט"ב בתעסוקה. שחר גרמבק, יו״ר ומייסד LGBTech: ״ממצאי הסקר מציירים תמונת מציאות מורכבת, שראוי כי תעמוד לנגד עיני כל מנכ״ל"

Read more

Looking for employees?

Groups you can post your job offers:


  LGBTech Israel           LGBT Career Community