
Want to celebrate women? Commemorate this powerful month and make a real difference?

Ideas to celebrate the month of women in your workplace:

Did you know?

Women are roughly 50% of the Israeli population, dispersed between Jewish and Arab, religious and ultra-religious, Ethiopians, and more, each group with its struggles and needs. While the general unemployment rate is similar, there is a higher percentage of employed men that women, and when it comes to high-tech, it’s even worse – only 24% (!) of the workforce are female. Why is this happening?

Well, only 30% of STEM students are female, but the problem starts even earlier.
There is significant male dominance in the elite military intelligence unit 8200, one of Israel’s central passageways to the high-tech world.
Going back even earlier, 68% of 5-point Computer Science and 65% of 5-point Physics high-school students are male.
With such male dominance from an early stage, it’s no wonder women are misrepresented in the high-tech workplace.

Read more in our full 2022 report

מדד המגדר 2022


Here’s what you can do to improve this situation

#1 Hire more women
As simple as it sounds, the fact is we still have a long way to go. Don’t be afraid to reach out to women on social media or use other methods.

#2 Create leadership programs
In your organization for all relevant employees, and make sure women are an integral part of these programs. This will keep them in the company for longer and assist to promote them to management positions.

#3 Bring awareness
Within your organization and encourage employees to take an active part in head-hunting for new female employees. This can be an ongoing or a limited campaign, but the more people are involved and invested in your initiative, the better.

4. Make sure all the men in your organization are on board
There is nothing more damaging than a chauvinistic joke or a misplaced comment to undermine all your diversity efforts. While you work to promote women in the workplace, ensure that the employees are on the same page as you and your goal.

5. Remember!
It’s often the things you don’t do and not only the thing you do. If you have a team meeting of nine men and only one woman, she may not feel comfortable speaking her mind. Be attentive to such situations.

Take your first steps

To diversify your workforce, you have to look for talent where you haven’t looked before, and be open to getting to know new cultures and needs. The following organizations can help you take your first steps:

  • She codes;

    She codes is a community of women developers, founded in 2013 to achieve a goal of 50% women software developers in Israel. We train, promote, and encourage women to integrate into key roles and other technological positions in the Israeli high-tech industry. Although learning is individual, we are meticulous about maintaining a community atmosphere at all branches by encouraging women to help each other and be assisted by the group.

    Target audience: Women

    Operating mode: Direct placement 

    Education level: STEM degree, non-STEM degree

    Program name: She codes;

    Are employers part of the admissions process? Sometimes

    Are employers part of the training? No

    More info

      she_codes presentation

     [email protected]

     Visit our website

  • Rachip

    Rachip is an R&D center, specializing in Hardware and Software development. Experts in ASIC/FPGA development, Embedded systems, Web & Mobile apps and QA/Automation. The company works with industries such as: Semiconductors, Medical, Automotive, Communication, IoT, Fintech and more. Rachip employs 130 Ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) women engineers in 2 R&D centers, in Bnei-Brak and Haifa. Among the Company’s clients are Multinational companies, Israeli Defense companies and various innovative startups

    Target audience: Orthodox Israelis and women

    Operating mode: Direct employment and outsourcing

    Education level: All

    Program name: Rachip – R&D Center, SW&HW

    Are employers part of the admissions process? Sometimes

    Are employers part of the training? Sometimes

     Visit our website

  • 3Base

    3Base is an ultra-Orthodox company that advocates two central principles; Maintaining the company orthodox tone and to keep growing as a leading technology software company in the Israeli high-tech market. 3Base’s purpose is to bring orthodox women into the possibility of working in leading technology companies in the market at appropriate and fair salary. The aim is to enable access to both “Juniors” coders without previous experience and veteran, highly experienced programmers and developers.

    Target audience: Orthodox Israelis

    Operating mode: Outsourcing

    Education level: Technological diploma

    Program name: 3BASE

    Are employers part of the admissions process? Yes

    Are employers part of the training? No

    More info :

     3base presentation

    Noa Klot, Co CEO – 054-6792104 –  [email protected]

     Visit our website

  • Matrix

    The human resources of our company are a hugely influential factor in determining our success. The diversity of cultures, societies, religions, geographical areas, age, gender, faiths, and opinions that are encompassed in our employees are a driving force that inspires us every single day and lends us the opportunity to build, innovate and achieve our client’s goals, as well as our own. Our continuous vision and aspiration are to make a real, meaningful contribution to our society by committing to creating employment opportunities for all talents, enabling diversity in the world of high-tech (an industry dominated mainly by males), and thereby also making a positive impact on our industry and indeed the economy as a whole.

    Target audience: Orthodox Israelis, women, periphery

    Operating mode: Direct employment and outsourcing

    Education level: high-school graduates, diploma, technological and non-technological B.A. and up

    Program name: Matrix – Talpiot

    Are employers part of the admissions process? No

    Are employers part of the training? Sometimes

      Visit our website

  • Lotus

    Lotus Association was created in 2007, and works to promote the high-tech integration of traditional Druze women and to increase the proportion of Arab women in high-tech. The association has initiated a year of training to which traditional and religious women with the potential to succeed in high-tech positions in remote work in leading companies. The association established the first Hi-Tech female space in Arab and Druze society located in Dalyat al-Carmel.

    Target audience: Women, Arab Israelis & Druze, Periphery

    Operating mode: Direct placement, Outsourcing

    Education level: STEM professional courses, Non-STEM bachelor’s degree + , STEM bachelor’s degree 

    Program name: Lotus

    Are employers part of the admissions process? Sometimes

    Are employers part of the training? Sometimes

    More info:

     Loutus presentation

     Maysa Halabi Alshekh, Founder&CEO – 0522906961 –  [email protected]

     Visit our website