Diversity & InclusionNewsYoung Ethiopians seek entry to Israeli tech scene

Young Ethiopians seek entry to Israeli tech scene

Tech-Career students in class (Shoshanna Solomon/Times of Israel)
Tech-Career students in class (Shoshanna Solomon/Times of Israel)
Jun. 5, 2017
Tech-Career students in class (Shoshanna Solomon/Times of Israel)

Source: Times of Israel

Tech-Career aims to help Ethiopians fully integrate into the workforce, arming them with professional tech and business skills

Twenty-five-year-old David sits quietly at the table, waiting for his turn to speak. When he does so, it’s with conviction, though his voice is soft and betrays a measure of shyness unusual for young Israeli men.

David, not his real name, came out of his classes in computer programming to speak about the course he is taking. As soon as he is done, he is scheduled to rejoin his class of men and women aged 21 to 30, who are studying network management, software development, quality assurance and data security.

They come from all over the country to immerse themselves in their studies so that they too can be part of the startup nation’s booming tech scene. And they all have certain things in common: high school degrees, army service or alternative national service, and Ethiopian descent.

Now, they are learning about technology at Tech-Career, a nonprofit organization set up by and for Ethiopian Israelis to give them the skills they need to play a part on the nation’s tech scene.

Tech-Career students hard at work (Shoshanna Solomon/TimesofIsrael)

Tech-Career students hard at work (Shoshanna Solomon/TimesofIsrael)

David is one of six children, and the first in his family to be born in Israel. His parents immigrated to Israel in 1991 as part of Operation Solomon, the second of the two waves of mass immigration in which Ethiopians undertook a perilous journey, many on foot via Sudan, to reach the promised land.